Ukraine - History in the Making
Ukraine - History in the Making is a series of conversations with me and various guests aiming to improve our understanding of the war in Ukraine and with the ambition of improving our ability to understand and fight the global struggle for freedom. My name is Emil Juhler-Nøttrup, I am 27 years old and I come from Copenhagen, Denmark. I have always been politically active and currently I’m doing a Master’s degree in Political Science. Besides that I went to Ukraine in February 2024. My personal motivation for doing this stems from a sense of responsibility and indignation that I have felt ever since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The responsibility and indignation arose because what took place crystallised for me what happens when free democratic countries meet autocratic threats with apathy, conveniency and appeasement. The free democratic world failed Ukraine by giving them NOTHING substantial to defend themselves with prior to the full-scale invasion because we thought the President and the people would surrender without a fight. Why were we so blatantly wrong? I think it comes down to two factors. One is our own inability to defend and understand freedom, and the other is our lack of knowledge about the countries that have suffered under Soviet and Russian influence in the past, and I think the two are intrinsically linked. Therefore, I also think that by understanding Ukraine better, we can improve our overall ability to defend and understand freedom. The conversations take place in Danish and English, as I also speak with Danes. I do my best to talk to as many Ukrainians as possible, because their stories are the most important and greatly inspire me, but many of the conversations are also with Danish and foreign politicians or experts whose voices are important in the debate. Enjoy and get smarter. Slava Ukraini!
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Mandag den 13. november talte jeg for anden gang med Niels Jespersen, chefredaktør for Netavisen Pio. Vi taler om krigen i Ukraine og om Ukraines politiske krig med fokus på udsigten til fortsat og øget militær støtte. Det taler vi om i lyset af krigen mellem Hamas og Israel, der siden 7. oktober har betydet, at mindre fokus har været til overs for Ukraine. Derudover taler vi om alt mellem himmel og jord, herunder KU's groteske retningslinjer for politisk aktivisme på skolens matriktler.
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Slava Ukraini, i går, i dag, i morgen, for altid!
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
This week is a special episode about our change of name from "Conversations about Eastern Europe" to "Ukraine and Beyond". We´re changing the name because "Ukraine and Beyond" is more fitting than the current to describe the conversation series. In the episode i outline the reasons for the change, talk about the connection between the Israel-Palestine war and the war Ukraine and make a sort of status as to where we are now with the war in Ukraine.
Listen along and get smarter.
Slava Ukraini!
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
On Wednesday 18 October, I spoke with Anna, who is the Head of the Law Department at the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine.
Listen along and get smarter.
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
On Wednesday 11 October I spoke with Oleksandr Kraiev. Oleksandr is the director of the North American Programme at the Foreign Policy Council "Ukrainian Prism" and a future PhD fellow at Visegrad Insight. We talk about the latest news in Ukraine, the tragedies that have struck Ukrainian civilians, about our assessments concerning development in US support for Ukraine and about the relationship between Hamas and Russia.
Listen along and get smarter!
Link to Oleksandr Kraievs FB:
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Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Tirsdag den 10. oktober, tre dage efter terrorangrebet på Israel, talte jeg med Katrine Evelyn Jensen, forbundsformand i Danmark Socialdemokratiske Ungdom. Vi taler om, hvorfor vi bakker Israel op, om hvordan vores verdenssyn med tiden har ændret sig, og så taler vi om, hvor tragisk det er, at der i Danmark er steder, hvor det at være jøde eller udtrykke sympati med Israel og jøder medfører en sikkerhedsrisiko.
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Link til klip fra DR:
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Tirsdag den 10. oktober talte jeg med Nicolai Toxværd, der tidligere har været EU-, forsvars- og udenrigsordfører i Konservativ Ungdom. I dag er han Sergentelev på Løjtnantsuddannelsen ved HSGS. Vi taler om den aktuelle situation i Israel og Palæstina, om situationen i Mellemøsten bredere set og om, hvad der skal til fra de "vestlige" befolkningers side, hvis den nedadgående kurve for frihed og demokrati på globalt plan skal vendes. Derudover blev der også tid til en gedigen kritik af venstrefløjen herhjemme.
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Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Onsdag den 4. oktober talte jeg med Maria Pryds, kandidat til Europa-Parlamentsvalget 2024. Først taler vi om Marias overvejelser om at stille op, om hvordan processen mod at blive kandidat har været, og om hvor hun er i sin kampagne. Efter det taler vi om, hvordan de østeuropæiske lande bedst muligt kan blive integreret i den frie demokratiske europæiske familie, og om hvad Vesten har gjort forkert de sidste mange år i mødet med ydre trusler som Rusland. Afslutningsvis vender vi en teori, jeg præsenterer, og taler om, hvorfor vi synes, det er godt med flere unge kandidater til et valg, unge historisk stemmer mindre ved.
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Link til Marias FB:
Link til Marias Twitter/X:
Link til klip i intro og outro:
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
On September 27 I spoke with Yevheniia Fedotova who is the Vice President of the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine. We last spoke May 1, so this time we talk about what we have done in the meantime, how the development in the war has been and about the movement of different political and diplomatic trajectories between May and now. Besides that, we dwell a lot on subjects such as the UN, the Ramstein-Group, the relationship between Russia and China, what individuals like you and I can do to help Ukraine and much more.
Listen along and get smarter.
Link to Yevheniia FB:
Link to Yevheniia Twitter:
Link to Yevheniia Instagram:
Link to intro and outro clips:
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Torsdag den 14. september talte jeg med Mathias Kring Niebuhr, kandidat til Europa-Parlamentsvalget 2024 for Socialdemokratiet. Vi taler om Mathias motivationer for at stille op, processen op til at blive kandidat og så selvfølgelig om Mathias´ ambitioner for Europa. Vi kommer bredt rundt, men taler først og fremmest om Ruslands fuldskalainvasion af Ukraine og om, hvordan Mathias tænker, man bedst kan integrere lande som Ukraine, Georgien, Moldova osv. i den Europæiske Union.
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Link til Mathias Insta:
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Fredag den 8. september talte jeg med Magnus Flensborg, kandidat til Europa-Parlamentsvalget 2024 for Socialistisk Folkeparti. Det er anden samtale i en række af samtaler med unge kandidater til EP-valget, hvor jeg indtil videre skal tale med i hvert fald en kandidat mere. I samtalen med Magnus går vi i dybden med, hvordan han blev kandidat, hvor han er i sin kampagne, og hvad hans chancer er. Derudover taler vi om hans motivation for at stille op og selvfølgelig om Magnus' visioner for, hvordan østeuropæiske lande som Ukraine og Georgien på sigt kan blive en fuldbyrdig del af den frie demokratiske europæiske familie.
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Link til Magnus' FB:
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Link til Magnus' X:
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